Brad Appleton
Software Tools Developer

CmdLine: a C++ option-parsing framework


CmdLine is a C++ Library for parsing command-line arguments. It is approximately 2750 C++ source statements.

cmdparse is a command-line interface to CmdLine for Unix shell-scripts. It is approximately 1500 C++ source statements.

The full source code distribution for CmdLine and cmdparse may be found in CmdLine.tar.gz (96KB, gzipped tar file).


CmdLine is a set of classes to parse command-line arguments. Unlike getopt() and its variants, CmdLine does more than just split up the command-line into some canonical form. CmdLine will actually parse the command-line, assigning the appropriate command-line values to the corresponding objects, and will verify the command-line syntax (and print a usage message if necessary) all in one member function call. Furthermore, many features of CmdLine's parsing behavior are configurable at run-time. These features include the following:

CmdLine also allows for options that take an optional argument, options that take a (possibly optional) list of one or more arguments, sticky options (options whose argument must reside in the same token as the option itself), and options whose argument must reside in a separate token from the option itself.

CmdLine consists of a set of C++ classes to parse arguments from an input source called a CmdLineArgIter (which is a base class for iterating over arguments from an arbitrary input source). Argument iterators are defined for an argv[] array (with or without a corresponding argc), for a string of tokens that are separated by a given set of delimiters, and for an input-stream. Users can easily extend CmdLine to parse arguments from other input sources simply by creating their own argument iterator classes derived from the CmdLineArgIter class defined in <cmdline.h>.

Command-line arguments are themselves objects that contain a specific command-line interface, and a function that performs the desired actions when its corresponding argument is seen on the command line. Predefined command-line argument types (derived from the abstract class CmdArg in <cmdline.h>) exist for boolean, integer, floating-point, character, and string arguments, and for lists of integers, floats, and strings. These predefined subclasses of CmdArg may be found in <cmdargs.h>. Users can also create their own command-argument types on the fly by defining and implementing an appropriate subclass of the CmdArg class.

Using CmdLine is relatively easy - you need to construct your arguments, your command-line, and your argument iterator. Then all that is left to do is call the "parse" member function of your CmdLine object. The following is a simple example:

  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <iostream.h>
  #include <cmdargs.h>

  int  main(int argc, char * argv[])
       // Declare arguments
     CmdArgInt  count('c', "count", "number", "number of copies to print.");
     CmdArgBool xflag('x', "xmode", "turn on 'x'-mode.");
     CmdArgChar fdsep('s', "separator", "char", "field-separator to use.");
     CmdArgStr  input("input-file",  "input file to read.");
     CmdArgStrList  output("[output-file ...]",  "where to print output.");

       // Declare command object and its argument-iterator
     CmdLine  cmd(*argv, &count, &xflag, &fdsep, &input, &output, NULL);
     CmdArgvIter  arg_iter(--argc, ++argv);

       // Initialize arguments to appropriate default values.
     count = 1;
     xflag = 0;
     fdsep = ',';

       // Parse arguments

       // Print arguments
     cout << "count=" << count << endl ;
     cout << "xflag=" << (xflag ? "ON" : "OFF") << endl ;
     cout << "fdsep='" << (char) fdsep << "'" << endl ;
     cout << "input=\"" << input << "\"" << endl ;
     for (int i = 0 ; i < output.count() ; i++) {
       cout << "output[" << i << "]=" << output[i] << endl ;

     return  0;

The Unix command-line syntax for the above program would be as follows:

  Usage: progname [-c number] [-x] [-s char] input-file [output-file ...]

          -c number        number of copies to print.
          -x               turn on 'x'-mode.
          -s char          field-separator to use.
          input-file       input file to read.
          output-file ...  where to print output.

The Unix command-line syntax using long-options (keywords) for the above program would be as follows:

  Usage: progname [--count number] [--xmode] [--separator char]
                  input-file [output-file ...]

          --count number    number of copies to print.
          --xmode           turn on 'x'-mode.
          --separator char  field-separator to use.
          input-file        input file to read.
          output-file ...   where to print output.

If desired, one can set a configuration flag at run-time to allow "+" to also be recognized (in addition to "--") as a long-option prefix.

By default, CmdLine allows both options and long-options to appear on the command-line. You can instruct CmdLine to disallow one or the other however. As an "extra", when options are disallowed, the "-" prefix is assumed to denote a long-option instead of an option (hence either "-" or "--" denotes a keyword in this case). Using this feature, CmdLine can be used to supply the type of long-option syntax that is now becoming quite popular in the Unix world. Using this "new" syntax, the command-line syntax for the above command would be the following:

  Usage: progname [-count number] [-xmode] [-separator char]
                  input-file [output-file ...]

          -count number    number of copies to print.
          -xmode           turn on 'x'-mode.
          -separator char  field-separator to use.
          input-file       input file to read.
          output-file ...  where to print output.

It should be mentioned that, when long-options are used, only a unique prefix of the keyword needs to be given (and character-case is ignored). Hence, in the above example, "-x", "-X", and "-xm" will match "-xmode".


Using "cmdparse" is even easier than using CmdLine. You declare your arguments in a string and then you invoke cmdparse with the command line of your shell-script and cmdparse will output a script of variable settings for you to evaluate. The following is an example (using the same arguments as in our sample program):

  NAME="`/bin/basename $0`"

     ArgInt   count  "[c|count number]"    "number of copies to print."
     ArgBool  xflag  "[x|xmode]"           "turn on x-mode."
     ArgChar  fdsep  "[s|separator char]"  "field-separator to use."
     ArgStr   input  "input-file"          "input file to read."
     ArgStr   output "[output-file ...]"   "where to print output."

  if  cmdparse -shell=sh -decls="$ARGS" -- $NAME "$@" > tmp$$
     . tmp$$
     /bin/rm -f tmp$$
     /bin/rm -f tmp$$
     exit $EXITVAL

  echo "xflag=" $xflag
  echo "count=" $count
  echo "fdsep=" $fdsep
  echo "input=" $input
  if [ "$output" ] ; then
     echo "output=" $output

Note that you declare the syntax of an argument differently for cmdparse than for CmdLine. The syntax for a single argument for cmdparse looks like the following:

Where <arg-type> is one of the following:

If desired, the leading "Arg" portion may be omitted from the type-name.

<arg-name> is simply the name of the variable in your script that you wish to contain the resultant value from the command-line. Any default value must be assigned to the variable before invoking cmdparse.

<syntax> and <description> must be enclosed in either single or double quotes! <description> is simply that, the description of the argument.

<syntax> is a little trickier, there are three basic forms of syntax:

Note that the option-character must precede the keyword-name and that there must be no spaces surrounding the '|' in "c|keyword"!

Any "optional" parts of the argument should appear inside square-brackets ('[' and ']') and a list of values is denoted by an ellipsis (" ..."). Most options will be inside of square brackets to reflect the fact that they are "optional".

Some example <syntax> strings follow:

Further Information

This is just a brief overview of what the CmdLine package can do. Please read the documentation for a more thorough explanation of this products' capabilities and limitations!

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